It’s 2024. Do I still need a printer?

It’s 2024. Do I still need a printer?

Thinking about getting a printer? Did you also realize that it’s 2024 and that printing is so last century? Like, who really needs to print anyway? Are you printing a manifesto? Do you live in a shack in the woods? But seriously… This article attempts to...

How Domain Name Registrations Work

Domain Name Registrations Domain names are registered through a domain name ‘registrar.’ Think of them as a ‘county clerks’ office who is responsible for maintaining a record repository of ownership. However, in this case, you can have multiple...

Should I use a Password Manager?

With our lives being as busy as they already are, having to remember logins for each site we use can be an added headache nobody wants. The alternative is using a single or set of passwords across every site, but that can’t be safe right? The truth is, that if...

How to setup Google Password Manager

Setting up Google Password Manager is easy and can be done through your Google account and browser settings. Here’s a step-by-step guide: On Desktop (Using Google Chrome): Enable Sync: Open Google Chrome. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner and select...